Friday 11 March 2011

Clifton Park mueseum

yesterday we went to clifton park mueseum.We did some victorian washing. First we had to grate the carbolic soap into the tub. Then we had to use a pauncher. (I think it is called that!)
Then we had to use the dolly.
After that we scrubbed the tea towel on the washing board. Then we had to dry it by winding it through the mangle.
Washing took a lot longer than it does now!

Next we did the victorian cooking!
We made wholemeal and apple cookies on the victorian range. It's called a range because it  can do a range of things like boil a kettle, bake biscuits and fry things.
The Range
Stirring the butter!
Getting the cookies out!
After wards we played in the playground

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